Go Check Out My Posh

Go Check Out My Posh
Go Check Out My Posh! Click the pic above.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Set Goals, Get Going!

I have learned that setting goals is the ONLY way to accomplish anything. I set goals everyday concerning just about everything I do. In my home I will make a list of things I need to accomplish and the things I would like to accomplish. Some are big (like cleaning out a closet) some are small (like emptying the dishwasher). Big or small, I make a list and cross them off as soon as they are complete. What ever is not completed, I move to the next day. Which, is usually a large number of things on my list. I find major satisfaction in crossing things off that list and I do a little dance each time I can put pen to paper with a big check mark. In business, it is the same. Every month, week and day, I set goals and tackle them as efficiently as I can. Without goals, I would be running in circles, overwhelmed not knowing where to start, finding myself wasting time just trying to figure out what is manageable. Sunday nights are my "goal nights." I sit and make a manageable list of what I can do everyday to grow my business, help my team and serve my customers. Everyday is dedicated to completing pieces of the puzzle to help complete the whole. I set personal and team goals and fill in the tasks to reach those goals. This month I am hard at work trying to meet my personal best in volume. I am trying to hit the next rank and promotion. I have lined up a booked as many parties as I can as well as featuring specials and contacting previous customers for reorders. My month has not gone as planned. I had 3 hostess cancel parties (super bummer) but, I am not letting it get me down! After all, it is part of the business and some months will be better then others. This business is a "team" sport so in order to hit my next rank, I need my "sisters" to hit their next ranks. Reaching out to my team is piece #2. I am helping others book and run launch parties, run training's and conference calls and helping to answer questions with the goal of serving them in building their business's. I have high priority in helping one of my fabulous ladies reach the incentive trip. Busy, busy, stay the course. Accomplish what you can, never give up. Realize that there are ups and downs. Celebrate the victories, acknowledge the short comings, regroup, re-plan and GET TO WORK!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Story

Direct sales was not something I had ever dreamed of doing. Sure I loved home parties of all kinds. In fact, I have many trendy awesome bags, fabulous jewelry that I wear everyday, storage containers I can't live without and "magic shakes" that have transformed my life. I have always enjoyed and appreciated the enthusiasm of attending a home party of various kinds. Never could I have imagined this would be my path, but I am SO glad it is! My story begins a little over a year ago when I joined the MLM (multi level marketing) world for the 1st time. It was then, I realized what I have been missing all these years. The last year has been a whirlwind for me. I joined my first direct sales company in December of 2011 and never looked back. I was so blessed to part of an amazing community of people that are changing the obesity epidemic in America with massive success. I am a true believer in fate and that when one door closes, another will open. Life is what happens when your busy making plans right? For me, that is how I found Perfectly Posh. I CAN NOT put into words the value and purpose that sharing Posh has given me. I am super lucky to be a stay at home with my 4 beautiful children. My husband owns a small business and I help him with his book work. But, I wanted, no needed something that was mine. To have a purpose outside my home, doing something that I love, enjoying some girl time and making a little extra money. Posh literally feel in my lap or laptop I should say. With ZERO hesitation I signed up on October 31, 2012, to be a Posh consultant. Little did I know the blessing that was bestowed upon me. I began building my team within 3 days of signing up. I was the first consultant in the area where I live and this opportunity is massive. In the four short months I have been sharing Posh, some pretty incredible things have happened. My team is 28 strong (& growing rapidly) and I have consultants in 4 states. My customer base is growing everyday and I have a loyal fan base. I have ranked up 4 times, earned my 30, 60 and 90 day props from the company. I have received the monthly award 2 times and I am on track to winning an incentive trip to Half Moon Bay, California. I don't share this to boast (ok maybe a little) but rather to prove that ANYONE can have the same results. Do I work hard? Yes! Have I invested a lot of time? Yes! Have I had bad days and weeks? Yes! But, I never have given up! My hope is that this blog can help you too, maybe inspire you, maybe encourage you. I am learning everyday and have found the beauty in failure and defeat. Commit yourself to something you never dreamed you could do, work hard, stay the course and embrace each day as an opportunity to grow. There is nothing more liberating than building something from nothing and when the "Wow, I did that!" hits, you will see, it is DEFINITELY worth it!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why Blog ?

Hmmmm, this is an easy one for me. I have always loved to write, not that I am good at it. In fact, my grammer is often wrong my entree "framing" is not as it should be and with out spell check, you would think this was composed by a 5 year old. But I write because I can. Blogging is very simply a digital diary. Chances are, I will probobly be the only person that subscribes to and reads my post but I am ok with that. Blogging for me is a way to grow and learn. To look back at where I was and compare it to where I am. I keep a family blog (which needs to be updated BAD) that is filled with family memories, milstones and pictures of our lives and I LOVE it. So I figured if looking back at that blog helps to remind me of where we were and where we are going, then a day to day track of bulding a business could keep my on focus too. I will blog for me, for my team, for you the reader, for my passion, for my strengths and for my weekness's. Stay tuned this could get interesting.